Prior to 1980, Rocketdyne used the Calabasas Landfill for disposal of toxic waste as the landfill was licensed to do so. Due to the nature of hazardous waste and the secrecy of the SSFL, they were authorized to use the back gate into the landfill. This could be used in future cleanups as the pathway to the 101 Fwy without impacting housing developments and it has its own offramp.
In 1980 the landfill was going to stop taking hazardous waste and downgrade itself into a residential landfill due to the development boom in the area. The Top Brass at Rocketdyne got wind of this and had a plan, get every bit of toxic trash into Calabasas Landfill as soon as they could. So, in the year 1979, they dumped over 200 tons of debris and toxic waste per month including solvents into the Calabasas Landfill. Click on the PDF (Above) to view the Landfill Log of 1979
Photo by William Preston Bowling |