DTSC: Santa Susana Field Laboratory To the SSFL Community:
I wanted to send out this note in response to the recent meeting I attended of DTSC's Public Participation Group. It was a real pleasure to meet all of you; I remain impressed by the dedication and time that you invest in ensuring the cleanup of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory. Many of you have been at this for a very long time, and your involvement remains vital to our success in completing this cleanup and restoration.
I am sorry that this project has demanded so much of your time and attention. I want to emphasize that cleaning up SSFL is a high priority for Governor Brown, Cal/EPA Secretary Rodriquez and me, and I am fully committed to implementing and enforcing agreements with NASA and DOE. I will continue working with Boeing to ensure that it also cleans up its portion of the site to protective standards. We intend to hold all the responsible parties to their word and hold them to their commitments. As I said in the meeting, at this point it is not about assigning blame it is about ensuring responsibility.
There is another issue I want to address. I deeply desire to see the discourse on SSFL become more civil and respectful. This is a difficult project in which common purpose must prevail over negative distractions in the form of animosity and personal attacks. Mutual respect and civil, constructive dialogue is the foundation that enables community members and DTSC to make the best decisions.
We in DTSC pledge to act in a manner that deserves your trust. As we make progress, we will communicate clearly so that you and the entire community can not only understand the project but fully participate in discussions on our direction. I am optimistic about our progress so far, and I have great confidence in our project team. My desire is to instill confidence that we will complete this cleanup in a manner that makes us all proud of a great accomplishment.
My confidence in this regard extends to you as well, as we move forward together to clean up and restore this beautiful hill top for present and future generations.
Debbie Raphael, Director DTSC