Help Us, Ensure a Proper Cleanup...

of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory

Join us at Calabasas Earth Day
Saturday, APRIL 3rd, 2010, 1 to 5pm 

ACME Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education

          2010 Earth Day Celebration

The City of Calabasas is hosting the 2010 Earth Day Celebration on Saturday, April 3rd, 2010 from 1:00pm – 5:00pm at the Las Virgenes Creek restoration site on Agoura Rd. The event will be FREE of charge.  Every year millions of people worldwide participate in Earth Day events to show their concern for the environment and the planet’s natural resources. 


The Celebration will feature exhibits, entertainment, learning booths, and activities.  ACME will have a booth that will highlight the NUCLEAR and CHEMICAL Cleanup of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory that is in YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD. Other sponsors will display various environmentally friendly products and innovations such as the BMW Hydrogen fuel car and all-electric MINI E vehicle. There will also be live animal presentations by the Nature of Wildworks, and live music by the Acoustic River Band.  Additionally, residents will receive giveaways and information from participating organizations on ways that they can care for the environment. 


Earth Day is a day of education, celebration and action.  In the spirit of Earth Day we hope that you, your family and your friends will join us in this festival. The 2010 Earth Day Celebration sponsors are:


Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education

Agromin Composting Co.

Albertsons Supermarket


California Green Designs

California Recycles

California Solar Electric

California Wildlife Center

Clean Up Rocketdyne dot org

Crown Disposal Co., Inc.

Las Virgenes Municipal Water District

Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority

Mountains Restoration Trust

Nature of Wildworks

Office of Assemblywoman Julia Brownley

Shaklee—The Health Spot

Southern California Edison Co.


            Waste Management, Inc.

ACME Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education
ACME Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education
ACME Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education
ACME Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education
ACME Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education
ACME Los Angeles Chapter Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education
Click on Image for Additional Information...
The City Of Calabasas Environmental Commission selected the Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education (ACME), as the winner of the CARL GIBBS ENVIRONMENTAL EXCELLENCE AWARD as a symbol for the Commitment to the Environment that ACME Founders Christina Walsh and William Preston Bowling have shown.
ACME Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education
ACME Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education