-Sent on behalf of Jazmin Bell-To All:Over the past several months we have been working on the redesign for theDOE-ETEC website. The purpose of the redesign was to make the website moreuser-friendly and to also enhance the look and feel of the site. You will noticea few new areas including upcoming events, which will highlight scheduled DOEmeetings and site visitation opportunities. To assist you with navigating thenew site attached is a crosswalk that illustrates where areas from the formersite can be found on the new site.Please note, if you have bookmarked links to pages on the previous website thoselinks most likely are not going to work, you will need to bookmark pages on thenew website. Hopefully the crosswalk will assist you with doing this.Additionally, you may experience some technical issues with the searchcapability on the website, we are working to resolve those issues.Please take some time to explore the new website: www.etec.energy.gov. Let usknow what you think, you can send your feedback to etec-energy@emcbc.doe.gov .If you need immediate assistance contact Jazmin Bell atjazmin.bell@emcbc.doe.gov .