Help Us, Ensure a Proper Cleanup...

of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory

ACME Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education

ACME Gave a Powerpoint Presentation on the Santa Susana Field Laboratory to the Residents of Oak Park, followed by a Question and Answer Period.

Many of the people requested the information below.

ACME Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education
ACME Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education
Click on Photo, Contact The Governor - Tell Him Your Concerns About the SSFL and the Impacts on YOUR Community.

Write a Letter or an E-mail to the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) and express your Concerns.



9211 Oakdale Avenue

Chatsworth, CA 91311


Dear DTSC,


In preparation of your scheduled Offsite Data Report please include the Community of Oak Park. I am concerned that…

Voice YOUR Concerns.


We want a Healthy Future.

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ACME Los Angeles Chapter Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education
Click on Photo for Additional Information...
ACME Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education
Click on Image for Information on the Calabasas Landfill...
ACME Los Angeles Chapter Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education
Click on Photo for Additional Information...
ACME Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education
Click on Photo to Read The Entire Article...

Interested in a support group for families that have childhood cancer?

Please Contact…

Marty Nason, RN, MN

Vice President of Programs

The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura

530 Hampshire Road

Westlake Village, CA 91361


ACME Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education
Click on Photo to Read The Entire Article...
ACME Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education
Click on Photo and link to The ACME Pages...
ACME Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education Los Angeles Chapter Rocketdyne Boeing Santa Susana Field Lab Nike Marquardt Hughes Wyle Labs JPL Lockheed ACMELA Dot ORG
Click Here to Prevent Cancer Dot Org
ACME Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education

Download in Adobe PDF format, the Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR L.A.) Military Tour Guide of Southern California…

PSR Military Tour Guide

Click on Photo

to Purchase

Santa Susana

Field Laboratory

Written by

Christina Walsh


William Preston Bowling>>>

ACME Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education
ACME Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education
Click on the above SSFL DTSC Image and link to Additional Information regarding the SSFL Rocketdyne Workgroup...

Why Do I have Cancer?


Living near Aerospace facilities increases your Cancer Risk.


From the 1940’s until 1996, Rocketdyne, Rockwell International, Atomics International, North American Aviation, The Department of Defense (NIKE), the Marquardt Corporation, Hughes Missile Systems,  the Boeing Co., Wyle Laboratories,  and Lockheed-Martin’s SKUNK WORKS used various Chemicals and dealt in Top Secret Radioactive/Nuclear experiments to help keep America “Safe”.


This “Security Blanket” came with the high cost of Civilian lives many of whom had/have no idea they live/lived near one of these facilities.


Over Half of Los Angeles and the Surrounding Areas are California EPA designated Superfund Sites due to Aerospace Chemicals & Military Pollution…


In 1980, after finding organic chemical contamination in the groundwater of the San Gabriel Valley, the California Department of Health Services (DHS) requested all major groundwater users to conduct tests for the presence of certain industrial chemicals in the water they were serving. The results of testing revealed volatile organic compound (VOC) contamination in the groundwater beneath large areas of the San Fernando Valley. The primary contaminants of concern were the solvents trichloroethylene (TCE) and perchloroethylene (PCE), widely used in variety of Aerospace Industry machinery degreasing.


This is not to mention the Nuclear Contamination Surrounding West Hills, Canoga Park, and Simi Valley.

To make an online credit card donation
enter your desired contribution below.

[For donations exceeding $3,000, please email]
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Donation to IHCenter/ACME Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education