April 2012
This monthly update is to inform the community of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL) investigation and cleanup activities under the California Department of Toxic Substances Control's (DTSC) oversight that occurred between March 23, 2012 and April 30, 2012 and activities that are expected to occur in the next 30 days.
Activities Completed:
Soil Investigations
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
DTSC and the United States Department of Energy (DOE) are participating in chemical data gap sampling efforts in Area IV of the SSFL property where former DOE activities occurred on the Site. Area IV is a 290-acre area located in the northwestern section of the site. It is currently owned by Boeing, with a 90-acre section that was leased to DOE. Area IV includes the Energy Technology Engineering Center (ETEC) facility where nuclear research, development, and testing began in the 1950's.
The Area IV radiological soil sampling effort is being conducted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). The US EPA approached the investigation by splitting the Area IV and Northern Buffer Zone (NBZ, collectively referred to as the "Site") investigation into historical site assessment (HSA) subareas. The chemical soil sampling efforts, overseen by DTSC, follow the same HSA subarea designations.
US EPA in coordination with DTSC and DOE is implementing its second round of sampling efforts to define the nature and extent of radiologic contamination in Area IV. US EPA's round two sampling locations are based upon the validated sampling results they received from their Phase 1 sampling.
Findings of the chemical data gap investigation may not result in sampling at all of the same locations that US EPA identifies for additional sampling during the second round of their investigation. Not all of US EPA's round 2 sample locations will need to be sampled for chemical contaminants and chemical data gap investigation locations may be required where no radiological sampling is needed. The rationale and selection of chemical data gap investigation sampling locations will be provided in the Work Plan for Chemical Data Gap Investigation, Phase 3 Soil Chemical Sampling at Area IV, and discussed with the community.
Phase 1 co-located soil sampling has been completed in Area IV. Phase 1 and Phase 2 field sampling efforts for the Northern Buffer Zone were completed during this monthly reporting period. The Phase 3 chemical data gap investigation field sampling in Area IV began during this reporting period. Below is a summary of the Phase1/Phase 2 efforts in the Northern Buffer Zone, as well as the status of Phase 3 chemical data gap investigation activities for Area IV.
Northern Buffer Zone (Phase 1 co-located and Phase 2 random co-located):
* 195 soil sampling locations completed (combined Phase 1 and Phase 2). Approximately 212 samples total (surface and subsurface) were collected from these locations. All field work is now completed.
* Approximately 35 percent of chemical analytical data received and validation has not been started.
Phase 3 Work Plan: On April 11, 2012, DTSC reviewed and approved the Phase 3 Work Plan, consisting of 1) Master Field Sampling Plan; 2) Quality Assurance Project Plan; and 3) Site Health and Safety Plan.
HSA-5C (Phase 3 Data Gap Investigation):
* On April 11, 2012, DTSC reviewed and approved Addendum No. 1 to the Master Field Sampling
Plan for Chemical Data Gap Investigation, Phase 3 Soil Chemical Sampling at Area IV, Subarea 5C
* Approximately 20 percent of samples collected.
* No analytical results have yet been received and validation has not yet been started.
NASA is currently conducting chemical data gap investigations to complete soil and surficial media characterization at the two SSFL areas under its administration, which include the 41-acre NASA portion of Area I (the former Liquid Oxygen (LOX) Plant) and 409-acre Area II. Area II was used primarily for rocket engine testing and includes the Alfa, Bravo, Coca and Delta Test Stands and support structures. Under the terms of the December 2010 AOC, NASA is developing and implementing a series of five Field Sampling Plans (FSPs) to address data gaps in the soil investigations. A sixth NASA surficial media FSP will be prepared in late 2012 to account for any data gaps remaining from the initial five FSPs.
FSP-3 (Alfa Test Stand, Bravo Test Stand)
FSP-4 (Liquid Oxygen Plant, Area 2 Landfill, Expendable Launch Vehicle)
- Work Plan approved by DTSC in March 2012
FSP-5 (Coca Test Stand, Delta Test Stand, R2 Ponds
- Completed public comment period to receive input on sampling strategy.
Boeing owns most of Area I and all of Areas Ill and IV. Areas I and Ill total 791 acres and are operated by Boeing. Boeing also owns the 1143 acre southern buffer zone and 182 acre northern buffer zone. Soils in Area IV and the northern buffer zone are being characterized in the DOE portion of the project.
Boeing continues to investigate and characterize soils in Area I, Area Ill, and the southern buffer zone. Data Gap Sampling and Analysis Plans (Data Gap SAPs) will be prepared to address data gaps identified in the RCRA Facility Investigation Reports submitted to date. DTSC anticipates these activities will complete the characterization of the Boeing sites.
Boeing sites are located in Reporting Groups 1A, 1B, 5, 9 and 10. Boeing intends to prepare the Data Gap SAPs in subgroups identified as Boeing RFI Groups:
* 1A North, 1A Central, 1A South
* 1B North, 1B Southwest, 1B Southeast
* 5/9 North, 5/9 South, and
* Group 10
Recently Completed
Boeing submitted a draft Data Gap SAP Work Plan and an example site SAP for DTSC. The Work Plan describes how Boeing will use the data quality objective process to identify data gaps and how additional characterization activities will be planned. The example site SAP uses STL-IV as a model to show how the process works. DTSC is currently reviewing the Data Gap SAP Work Plan and example site SAP.
Groundwater Characterization and Cleanup
The groundwater characterization and cleanup program is being conducted by Boeing on behalf of the three parties at the site; Boeing, DOE and NASA. The groundwater characterization and cleanup program consists of:
* Investigation and characterization of groundwater contamination
* Ongoing groundwater monitoring of existing wells,
* Sampling of new groundwater locations, and
* Treatment and disposal of contaminated groundwater.
Groundwater Interim Measures
* Evaluation of pumping at WS-09A ongoing. This pumping is being done to lower groundwater elevation and reduce the amount of trichloroethene (TCE) contamination in the groundwater in this area of the Site. WS-09A is located along the southern boundary of the property Pumping at WS-9A has been intermittent as modifications to the treatment plant have been made.
* Water levels at WS-9A, at newly installed wells, and the condition of area springs are being monitored to confirm that discharge from the springs is controlled during both periods of pumping and non-pumping.
* A Technical Memorandum for work being conducted at WS-9A is being developed for submittal to DTSC.
Groundwater Remedial Investigation (RI) Report
The Groundwater RI Report provides information on chemicals and radionuclides in groundwater at the site including where the contaminants are, and how they move through the sandstone and shale bedrock.
* On March 23, 2012, DTSC received a proposal from Boeing, DOE and NASA on the process to address the data gaps and concerns raised by DTSC and in public comments.
Groundwater Monitoring
Boeing developed a Feasibility Study (FS) Work Plan for SSFL site-wide groundwater and for bedrock/soils at Boeing sites. The FS Work Plan lays-out the process for how the FS will be implemented. The FS Work Plan is currently in DTSC review.
Treatability Studies
Treatability studies are being conducted on several technologies to be evaluated in the feasibility study. The treatability studies address both soil/bedrock and groundwater contamination. Treatability studies can be either field studies or laboratory studies.
Four laboratory studies, all for groundwater, are being conducted:
* Chemical oxidation using potassium permanganate;
* Thermal heating of rock core;
* Microbial characterization of rock core and porewater; and
* Bio Stimulation.
Two field tests have been proposed:
* Bedrock Vapor Extraction; and
* In-situ chemical oxidation (groundwater)
* Boeing's contractors are continuing work on the chemical oxidation, microbial characterization, and biostimulation laboratory studies.
* DTSC is currently reviewing the addenda for the bedrock vapor extraction and in-situ chemical oxidation Work Plans (dated January 31, 2012.)
Chemical Background Study (Soil)
DTSC hosted a technical roundtable meeting on April 11, 2012 to present a summary of the chemical background data.
The chemical background data were posted on the DTSC website on April 16, 2012.
DTSC's contractor continues to evaluate the chemical data using different statistical methods and develop the draft chemical background report.
Building Demolition
- The demolition of the Hydrogen Lab is complete
- DTSC is reviewing Boeing's Notification of Planned Demolition for the former Sewage Treatment Plant 3 with comments anticipated by May 7, 2012.
* DTSC and Boeing are in the process of identifying and DTSC selecting a CEQA contractor.
Public Outreach
* On April 5, 2012 - DOE hosted a Soils Treatability Investigation Group meeting for community members to discuss the results of the survey conducted by Sandia to identify various treatment technologies for soil contamination.
- On April 12, 2012, DTSC hosted a technical roundtable discussion with stakeholders to discuss initial results of the chemical soil background study. A meeting to discuss final results will be scheduled in June/July 2012.
- EPA hosted a stakeholder meeting on April 18, 2012 to discuss data collected during their investigation for radionuclides in Area IV.
- On April 24, 2012, DTSC and DOE hosted a technical stakeholder meeting at SSFL to discuss the Phase 3 Chemical Data Gap Sampling for Subarea 5B.
Interim Source Removal Actions: (Note: ISRA activities are conducted under the authority of the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (LA-RWQCB))
As of April 20, all ISRA excavation work continues to be on hold until end of rainy season. Issues discussed during April 4 and April 18 ISRA planning meetings included confirmation sampling locations for Ash Pile/Sewage Treatment Plant (AP/STP) area excavations. ISRA excavation work is anticipated to restart in early-May time period. AP/STP ISRA excavation areas status:
- AP/STP-1E-1,-3: Excavation complete; restoration activities to occur once AP/STP-1E-2 is complete.
- AP/STP-1C-2, -1E-2: Planned excavation completed; confirmation sample results received; additional excavation to continue after the rainy season.
- AP/STP-1B: Planned excavation partially completed (eastern portion); confirmation sample results received; additional excavation to continue after the rainy season.
- AP/STP-1C-1: Agencies/Boeing/NASA delineated soil below radiological trigger levels; excavation to begin after the rainy season.
Proposed for the Next 30 Days:
Soil Investigations
* Continue with Phase 3 soil sampling in Area IV, Subarea 5C
* Draft Addendum No. 2 to Phase 3 Master Field Sampling and Analysis Plan for Subarea 5B
Public Outreach
* On May 15, 2012, DOE will host the first in a series of three stakeholder workshops related to developing community-built alternatives for DOE's SSFL Area IV Environmental Impact Statement
* On May 16, 2012, DTSC and DOE will jointly host a public site visit to observe sampling activities in Area IV.
* DTSC will finalize comments on the March 2011 NASA Remedial Investigation Work Plan document.
* DTSC will finalize comments on the March 2012 NASA Field Sampling Plan (FSP) 5 document.
* NASA plans to begin field work at the FSP-4 sites (Former LOX Plant, Area II Landfill, and ELV Area).
* DTSC will finalize comments on the DQO (data quality objectives) technical memorandum.
* DTSC will review and comment on the Data Gap SAP Work Plan and example site SAP.
* DTSC will finalize comments on the addenda for the bedrock vapor extraction and in-situ chemical oxidation treatability studies.
* Boeing will continue to develop Data Gap Sampling and Analysis Plans for sites in Areas I and III.
Chemical Background Study:
* DTSC expects to have the complete data set available by late-May/early-June 2012, and a draft chemical background report available for public comment in June/July 2012.
Groundwater Investigations
* DTSC will respond to Boeing, DOE and NASA proposed approach to address data gaps identified by DTSC.
* Boeing and DTSC will continue to meet to discuss comments on the draft Groundwater RI report and groundwater data gap investigation work.
Groundwater Monitoring
* Begin Q2 2012 groundwater monitoring.
Groundwater Interim Measures
* DTSC is working on the CEQA document for the Groundwater Interim Measures effort that includes installation of eight source zone groundwater wells.
* DTSC will have selected a CEQA contractors and Boeing will have them under contract. The CEQA contractor will develop a recommendation on the CEQA approach (e.g. program EIR or individual EIRs/CEQA documents.)
Interim Source Removal Actions: (Note: ISRA activities are conducted under the authority of the Los Angeles
- No Update
Regional Water Quality Control Board (LA-RWQCB))
* DTSC will continue to participate in ISRA bi-weekly project meetings.
* ISRA performance monitoring and BMP subarea monitoring inspections and sampling in Outfall 008/009 watersheds will be conducted as necessitated by rain events.
Public Outreach
* DOE will host session 1 of their Environmental Impact Statement Community-built Alternatives Workshop Series on May 15th, 6:00pm - 9:00pm in the Corporate Point Business Center Cafeteria located at 8411 Fallbrook Ave., West Hills. If you plan to participate, please go to the following website and complete the registration information:
* On May 16, 2012, DTSC & DOE will host a community site tour at SSFL from 10:30 am - 12:00 pm. Registration is required - please contact Debbie Kramer at 818- 466-8898.
* DTSC will host an open house on May 17, 2012 from 6:30 pm to 8:30pm provide information regarding the on-going environmental investigation at SSFL. The open house will be at the Grand Vista Hotel, 999 Enchanted Way, Simi Valley. You can attend the open house any time during the 2-hour timeframe.
DTSC will continue to provide monthly updates regarding the progress of the site investigation and cleanup process to the community.