Santa Susana Field Laboratory
Monthly Status Report
June 2012
Completed Within the Past 30 Days
Chemical Soil Background Study
- Under DTSC's review and oversight, the validated laboratory analytical results from the Study's background samples continued to be evaluated statistically.
- DTSC received and began reviewing the Study's draft results report in preparation for its release to public review and comment.
- Boeing DOE and NASA provided DTSC's consultant, AECOM, with documentation to aid AECOM in developing a recommended CEQA approach for the SSFL project. DTSC anticipates having a final report from AECOM regarding the SSFL CEQA approach available in September 2012.
- Field Sampling Plan, Subarea 4 field sampling activities (on-going) at the Liquid Oxygen Plant, Area II Landfill, and Expendable Launch Vehicle areas.
United States Department of Energy (DOE)
- US EPA in coordination with DTSC and DOE is implementing its second round of sampling efforts to define the nature and extent of radiologic contamination in Area IV. US EPA's round two sampling locations are based upon the validated sampling results they received from their Round 1 sampling.
Northern Buffer Zone (Phase 1 co-located and Phase 2 random co-located):
- All field work is now completed
- All of the chemical analytical data have been received and validation has not yet started.
HSA-5C (Phase 3 Data Gap Investigation):
- Approximately 77 percent of surface and subsurface soil boring sample locations completed. The remaining 13 percent of sample locations consist of trenches and test pits, which will be completed after submittal, review and approval of a geophysical survey addendum and subsequent completion of the geophysical survey.
- 75 percent of the analytical results have been received and validation has not yet started.
HSA-5B (Phase 3 Data Gap Investigation):
- On June 12, 2012, DTSC approved the final Addendum No. 2 to the Chemical Data Gap Master Field Sampling Plan for Subarea 5B.
- DTSC is working with Boeing to address DTSC comments and to finalize the data quality objective process. The data quality objectives need to be worked out prior to developing the data gap investigation documents.
Building Demolition
- Post-demolition work was completed at Sewage Treatment Plant 3.
Groundwater Characterization and Cleanup
The groundwater characterization and cleanup program is being conducted by Boeing on behalf of the three parties at the site; Boeing, DOE and NASA. The groundwater characterization and cleanup program consists of:
- Investigation and characterization of groundwater contamination
- Ongoing groundwater monitoring of existing wells,
- Sampling of new groundwater locations, and
- Treatment and disposal of contaminated groundwater.
- Submit first quarter 2012 groundwater monitoring and sampling report (6/1/2012).
Groundwater Interim Measures
- WS-09A is being pumped to lower the groundwater elevation and reduce the amount of trichloroethene (TCE) contamination in the groundwater near the southwest corner of
Area II, north of the southern buffer zone.
- DTSC is working on the CEQA document for the Groundwater Interim Measures effort that includes installation of eight source zone groundwater wells.
Treatability Studies
Treatability studies are being conducted on several technologies to be evaluated in the feasibility study. The treatability studies address both soil/bedrock and groundwater contamination. Treatability studies can be either field studies or laboratory studies.
Four laboratory studies, all for groundwater, are being conducted:
- Chemical oxidation using potassium permanganate
- Thermal heating of rock core
- Microbial characterization of rock core and porewater, and
- Bio Stimulation
Status of testing
- Boeing's contractors are continuing work on the chemical oxidation, microbial characterization, and biostimulation laboratory studies.
Two field tests have been proposed:
- Bedrock Vapor Extraction, and
- In-situ chemical oxidation (groundwater)
DTSC is currently reviewing the addenda for the bedrock vapor extraction and submitted comments on the in-situ chemical oxidation Work Plan.
Public Participation
- On June 7, DOE hosted the second session "Identification of Preliminary Options for Alternative Development" in a three-session workshop to support development of community-based alternatives to be considered in the upcoming Environmental Impact Statement for Remediation of Area IV.
- On June 9, DOE hosted the third session "Alternative Development Working Session" workshop to support development of community-based alternatives to be considered in the upcoming Environmental Impact Statement for Remediation of Area IV.
- On June 20, DOE and DTSC hosted a brief technical stakeholder meeting to discuss Phase 3 drainage sediment sampling in Area III, as well as a public tour to view the drainages that are proposed for sampling.
- Notification for planned demolition of Building 4015 in Area IV was submitted to on June 13 for DTSC review. Subsequent notification was sent to the community.
- DTSC and DOE hosted a Community Site Tour on June 20 to discuss and visit locations in Area III drainages where sediment sampling will occur.
Activities Expected to Occur Within the Next 30 Days:
Chemical Soil Background Study
- Under DTSC's review and oversight, preparing the Study's draft results report will continue.
- DTSC to hold a meeting with community stakeholders on July 11, 2012 to present and discuss the results from the statistical evaluation of the Study's background data.
- When the draft report is issued, the public review and comment period will extend for 30 calendar days. DTSC expects the draft report to be issued in July 2012.
Boeing sites are located in Reporting Groups 1A, 1B, 5, 9 and 10. Boeing intends to prepare the Data Gap SAPs in subgroups identified as Boeing RFI Groups:
- 1A North, 1A Central, 1A South
- 1B North, 1B Southwest, 1B Southeast
- 5/9 North, 5/9 South, and
- Group 10
DTSC is working with Boeing to address DTSC comments and to finalize the data quality objective process. The data quality objectives need to be worked out prior to developing the data gap investigation documents.
Building Demolition
- Pre-demolition abatement and preparation was completed for Building 300 in Area I. Demolition is scheduled to begin in July 2012.
- Complete installation of erosion controls at Former Sewage Treatment Plant 3.
Groundwater Investigation and Cleanup
- Sampling is scheduled to begin in early July (3rd Quarter Reporting) in compliance with the Groundwater Monitoring Plan.
- Collection of head measurements and water quality samples from Westbay wells and coreholes.
Feasibility Study
A feasibility study (FS) identifies, develops, and evaluates a range of potential technologies, including experimental technologies that can be used for the containment, treatment, remediation, and/or disposal of contamination. Additionally, treatability studies of appropriate technologies are identified and evaluated for consideration in the feasibility study.
Boeing developed an FS Work Plan for SSFL site-wide groundwater and for bedrock/soils. The FS Work Plan lays-out the process for how the FS will be implemented. The FS Work Plan is currently in DTSC review. DTSC expects to solicit public input on the FS Workplan starting in July 2012.
- DTSC will provide final comments on the Field Sampling Plan for Subgroup 5. Field sampling is expected to begin in July.
- Co-located sediment sampling with EPA in Area III drainages
- Phase 3 soil sampling in Area IV, Subarea 5B
- Draft Addendum No. 3 to Phase 3 Master Field Sampling and Analysis Plan for Drainage Sediment Sampling in Area III
- Conduct Area III drainage sediment sampling
Interim Source Removal Actions (ISRA) (Note: ISRA activities are conducted under the authority of the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (LA-RWQCB))
As of May 29, all ISRA excavation work continues to be on hold following the end of 2011/2012 rainy season. ISRA excavation work is expected to restart in July.
- Complete planned excavation and collect confirmation samples at ISRA area Ash Pile/Sewage Treatment Plant 1B.
- Conduct additional excavation at Ash Pile/Sewage Treatment Plant 1C and 1E.
- Perform restoration activities in the following areas: Ash Pile/Sewage Treatment Plant 1B, 1C, 1E
Public Outreach
- DTSC will meet with community stakeholders on July 11 at 12:30 pm in the DTSC Chatsworth Office to discuss the results of the chemical background study.
- On July 18, 2012, EPA will host a public site visit to observe sampling activities in
Area IV.
- On July 19 at 6:00 pm, DOE will host a Soils Treatability Investigation Group meeting. The meeting will be held at Corporate Pointe in West Hills. For further information, please contact Debbie Kramer of DOE at (818) 466-8898.
- DTSC will continue to provide monthly updates regarding the progress of the site investigation and cleanup process to the community.