Help Us, Ensure a Proper Cleanup...

of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory

ACME Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education
ACME Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education
SoundCheck Before the Crowd Arrives...
ACME Los Angeles Chapter Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education

Click on Photo and Link to Farmlab…


What is Farmlab?


Farmlab, a short-term multi-disciplinary investigation of land use issues that are related to sustainability, livability, and health.


Among much more, as a nascent think tank, art production studio, and cultural performance venue, Farmlab is exploring what role, if any, the team can and should play in matters related to lessons raised and learned from the Not A Cornfield project.


Continuing to serve as a catalyst for community involvement and change through the development of art actions, projects, and otherwise, Farmlab is dedicated to the preservation and perpetuity of all living things.


For a more complete answer, we invite you to check back again with us in the coming months -- as the project continues to learn, evaluate, reflect, brainstorm, tinker, and incubate.


With the ever-so-popular Friday Lunch Lecture Series known as the Farmlab Public Salon
 we continue to see thought provoking lectures.


What can we expect to see from William Preston Bowling and Christina Walsh?


"ROCKETDYNE powered humans into Space, leaving behind a mess of chemical and radioactive impacted test sites. The San Fernando Valley “Space Race” came with the high cost of civilian lives, many of whom had/have no idea they live/lived near one of these facilities. The Drainage from Rocketyne’s Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL) via Bell Canyon is the Headwaters to the Los Angeles River. What does this mean for people living downstream along the river? In 2006 a study released to the Los Angeles Times concluded that an experimental Reactor Meltdown at the SSFL in 1959 produced 240 times the radiation release of the Three Mile Island incident in 1979. This making the San Fernando and Simi Valley’s home to the worst Nuclear Disaster in the United States. Many of the toxins associated with this release are still the blame for health problems today. If not cleaned up properly, the health impacts could remain for decades to come. How Close do You live to one of these many toxic facilities? Join us and find out." -- William Preston Bowling + Christina Walsh



Farmlab is located at 1745 North Spring Street Unit 4

Los Angeles, California 90012 right across the street from the Los Angeles State Historic Park or “Cornfields” as they are affectionately known to Farmlab