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of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory

ACME Los Angeles Chapter Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education
ACME Los Angeles Chapter Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education

The Boeing Co. Currently co-owns and operates the Santa Susana Field Laboratory with NASA. The 2900 acre site is located off Woolsey Canyon in Canoga Park was used for federally funded nuclear and rocket engine research from the mid-1950s until the 1990s and was the site of at least nine nuclear accidents, including a partial reactor meltdown in 1959. Based upon a 2006 study, the Los Angeles Times reported the meltdown released over 240 times the radiation release of the Three Mile Island incident in 1979. The San Fernando Valley is now considered home to the worst nuclear disaster on U.S. soil. 


ACME Los Angeles Chapter Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education
10 Mile Radius from AREA IV, the Nuclear Area of the SSFL.
NASA is co-owner of the SSFL with The Boeing Co.
ACME Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education
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